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How to Deal With a Boss With No Boundaries

Bosses with no boundaries can be challenging, but it's important to maintain a healthy working relationship and ensure your own well-being.

I personally experienced this a lot in my younger days where I had a boss who would ask me at the 11th hour if I could work a weekend when he knew I had a family event planned, to the boss of a famous Film Production company who persistently would lean on the back of my chair after he had had a boozy lunch breathing his wine fumes all over me as I typed and he dictated then changed his mind as he was too sozzled to remember the script idea, which I managed eventually to rectify by dropping a pencil and reversing hard in a quest to pick it up, he never did it again!

Here are some steps to consider when you are dealing with these types of people.

  1. Self-assess: Start by assessing your own boundaries and priorities. Know what you're comfortable with and what crosses the line for you. This self-awareness will help you set your own boundaries and communicate them effectively.

  2. Communicate clearly: Have an open and honest conversation with your boss. Explain how their lack of boundaries is affecting your work and well-being. Be specific about the behaviours or situations that concern you, and offer potential solutions. It's important to do this in a respectful and non-confrontational manner.

  3. Set boundaries: Clearly define your own boundaries and communicate them to your boss. For example, let them know when you're available for work-related matters and when you're off the clock. Make it clear that you won't respond to work-related emails or calls during your personal time unless it's an emergency.

  4. Document your concerns: Keep a record of instances where your boss's lack of boundaries is causing problems, such as excessive work hours, unreasonable demands, or inappropriate behaviour This documentation can be useful if you need to escalate the issue later.

  5. Seek support from HR or higher management: If your efforts to address the issue with your boss directly are unsuccessful, consider discussing the matter with your HR department or a higher-level manager. They may be able to mediate the situation and provide guidance or solutions.

  6. Know your rights: Familiarize yourself with employment laws and company policies related to working hours, overtime, and harassment. Your boss's behaviour may be in violation of these rules, and knowing your rights can empower you to take appropriate action if needed.

  7. Practice self-care: It's crucial to take care of your physical and emotional well-being. Set aside time for self-care and stress management activities, such as exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones.

  8. Consider seeking a new job: If the situation doesn't improve, and your well-being and career are being significantly impacted, it might be time to explore other employment opportunities. Your mental and physical health should always be a priority.

  9. Seek external support: If you're facing extreme stress or harassment at work, consider talking to a therapist, counselor, or a support group to help you cope with the situation and explore potential solutions.

Dealing with a boss who has no boundaries can be challenging, but taking proactive steps to address the issue can help improve your working conditions and overall job satisfaction.

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